Final Task Production Blog: Filming
On March 21st, Juanita and I went over to Harlow's house in order to film scenes six and seven. These were all of our outside scenes, in which both Harlow and Juanita were acting in. This meant that I was the one that filmed both of these scenes. When filming these scenes we realized that there were many shots that we had to change in order to fit into the vision that we had for our title sequence. One of these shots that we changed was the establishing shot at the beginning of scene six. In this shot we originally intended for the daughter to be seen walking in it but instead we filmed it with the neighbor gardening in the background instead. In the second shot, we also intended to have the daughter walk with her head down and more fast paced during this shot however, we decided to change this to the girl stumbling instead. We did this in order to show that the stumbling is what made the neighbor realize that the daughter was there in the first place and attracted the attention ...