You Should Be Here Music Video
This music video was very fun to make and overall taught us many things about the filmmaking process. Working with a group helped us all learn how to compromise, make team efforts, and split workloads. Not only this, but this project further developed our skills when it came to filming scenes and editing footage.
At first, we were indecisive about our plans and were having a hard time making decisions as a group. We weren't positive about the song, the themes, the scenes, or even the genre. After extensive discussions, we all agreed on the song “You Should Be Here” by Cole Swindell and decided we wanted the theme of this music video to be sorrowful. We agreed that we wanted our music video to follow the storyline of some friends that had recently had a loved one pass away.
Many things got in the way of filming such as sports, the pandemic, and social distancing but all of these obstacles just taught us how to be more flexible and work around challenges. We filmed at multiple locations, including, the beach, a park, and a group member's home. Due to certain circumstances regarding Covid and scheduling, we had to change the locations of some of the scenes, such as the fireplace scene we had originally intended to do. The fireplace scene, which can be seen on the storyboard, got replaced by the beach scene.
Throughout the project, we took turns making suggestions about things such as filming angles and certain aspects of acting. Even though in the beginning we had a tough time working together and agreeing on certain details of the project, by the end of it we learned how to work together as a group. We learned how to communicate better with each other and learned how seeing different points of views can help you improve.
If we were to do something different, it probably would’ve been to have a more detailed and thorough back-up plan. Our back-up plan was not that extensive since we did not believe we would need it or would be using it. However, circumstances changed and we found ourselves not being able to go through with our original plan. In our backup-plan, we only included what we would do if we decided not to do the song we planned on. The back-up plan did not cover what could be alternatives for certain scenes if we were not able to film them, which is what ended up happening. Due to this, we had to make many changes to our plans at the last minute which proved rather difficult.
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