Bissell Zing Vacuum Commercial
Bissell Zing Vacuum Commercial
Overall, this was a very intriguing project which helped me further develop my skills when it comes to filmography, video editing, and my production skills. This project taught me what actually goes into making a film, even if it was only 30 seconds long.
During this project I learned how hard the filming process truly is. At first, I thought it wouldn't be that hard and that I would just get an idea, film it, and then that would be it. In reality transforming those ideas into film and projecting those ideas onto your project is a lot harder than it seems. For a lot of shots I would get an idea of how I wanted a shot to look like but then when I filmed it, it would turn out completely different. For example, in the first two shots of my commercial, in which all the cheerios fall in slow motion, I thought these would be simple to film and wouldn't take that long. I was, however, wrong. These two shots took me about an hour to film due to the fact that in every take the bowl of cereal wouldn't fall the way I wanted it to. From this I learned that some things are just harder to control and are therefore harder to film and get right on the first try. All you can do, however, is try to learn from your mistake in the previous take and try to film it again.
If I were to do this project again, something I would do differently is that I would make sure that there is proper lighting throughout the entire time that I am filming. While filming this commercial I struggled with the lighting because when I used natural lighting from the daylight outside it was too dark for the video quality to come out good. However, when I used artificial lighting from sources such as lamps or flashlights, the lighting looked too harsh and made the video appear too bright which made the video quality go down.
I learned from this that when you are filming you have to use a combination of natural lighting, if it's available, and artificial lighting. I also learned that when using artificial lighting the way you position the direction and in which direction you point it is very important. Point a light intently towards a subject or object can create really harsh shadows which do not look good in the video most of the time. These shadows make the video seem more fake and artificial rather than a natural looking video.
Another thing I would do differently is that I would I try to obtain proper equipment that stabilizes my camera, such as a tripod. I did not have access to such equipment during the filming process of this commercial and due to this many shots would come out shaky or blurry. Because of this, there were many shots that I had to film several times because they would keep coming out shaky.
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